Monday, May 08, 2006

17 Pages?

From Myway News:

Rice: Iran Letter Doesn't Resolve Standoff

We don't yet know, of course, what this letter from Iran to our President says. But a couple of things about this strike me as funny. First, Condi & Co. are brushing off the importance of the letter almost immediately - as they should. We have to let Iran know that this letter isn't going to buy them time.

Meanwhile, we've got to figure out what the hell that letter means. 17 pages is one long pissed off memo - I can't maintain a rage that long. A committee certainly would not agree to 17 pages of everything, unless you want it to look like an act of congress with everyone's pork amendments (no pun intented to the Iranian goverment) added to it. And President Bush is not likely to have just "briefed" on the letter. This is the kind of thing a President reads himself. Then gets advice. And then makes judgment calls with. If only Washington can slow down just a bit then people can have time to actually think. Hell, if only Washington can slow down enough to allow the damned thing to be translated, let alone analyzed.

We are starting to work with Iran. Maybe we are starting to deal with these people. Maybe Bush can get to Iran after all. Sell them some nuclear plants. And make history.


Blogger Kevin E. Cleary said...

If Bush didn't read an NIE briefing memo titled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike Within US," I highly doubt he's going to read a 17-page letter from Iran.

May 08, 2006 11:59 PM  

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